
Who's Who

Page history last edited by William Merriam 15 years, 1 month ago

Who's Who at FreedomHEC


(please add yourself--the wiki password is: freedom)


Question: I'm staying near the LA Convention Center for WinHEC, and would like to catch the FreedomHEC shuttle. How do I sign up?

Answer: Put "need shuttle" next to your name and we'll send you the shuttle details.


Question: Is there any provision for virtual attendance (live streaming, IRC feedback etc)? 'fraid I can't justify the trip from NZ! -- Eliot


Answer: We are planning to shoot video, but we don't have a live remote participation system yet. If anyone who will be attending in person would be willing to do this, please create an "audio streaming" or "IRC" section on the home page and mail me -- dmarti@zgp.org -- to discuss logistics -- Don


List of Participants


This list includes all the names from 2007. To confirm for 2008, just remove the (2007) from your name.


Greg Kroah-Hartman (2007) -- maintainer for numerous Linux kernel driver subsystems including the driver core, sysfs, kobject, kref, and debugfs code. He also helped start the linux-hotplug and udev projects, and is one half of the kernel stable maintainer team, and the author of the book, Linux Kernel in a Nutshell, and is the co-author of the book Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition.


Don Marti -- power strip untangler and manager of miscellaneous. Don has been an organizer of events including Burn All GIFs Day and the "Free Dmitry" movement. As a boy, he ran away from home and joined the trade show. Contact Don at: dmarti@zgp.org or 510-332-1587


Stephen Hemminger (2007) -- author of several networking drivers and the maintainer of the bridging, iproute2 and other utilities.


Jon Masters -- www.jonmasters.org/ Red Hat weenie (Kernel Tools Engineer) working on various funky driver tools.


James Bottomley (2007) -- SCSI Subsystem Maintainer, PA-RISC hacker and weird SMP architectures coder and low level caching and memory management fixer.


Jamey Sharp (2007) -- Author of XCB and willing to talk about X.org device drivers



Sarah Bailey (2007) -- developer for the next generation Linux USB filesystem (usbfs2), and President of Portland State Aerospace Society. PSAS uses Debian Linux on our amateur rocket's flight computer, and our next generation rocket will use a USB communications bus. (email: sarah@psas.pdx.edu)


Pixel (2007) -- lots of interests. currently working on network virtualization


Robertino Benis -- multi-platform software developer and consultant (email: tino@airyz.net). Software for mobile and wireless consumer devices Airyz Consulting (Windows CE kernel based development). Currently Computer Scientist at Adobe Mobile and (embedded) Devices MBDU.



Bernardo Elayda (2007) -- (belayda At nuvation dot com) -- Firmware Engineer with Nuvation, an embedded systems engineering design services firm specializing in embedded linux design. Bernardo specializes in designing and troubleshooting USB 1.x and USB 2.x designs for maximum data throughput.


Geoff Harrison (2007) -- mandrake@mandrake.net - Systems Engineer


Pete Zaitcev (2007) -- Senior SW Eng., Server Hardware, Red Hat Inc.


Steve Guiwits (2007) -- UNIX System Administrator / Software Developer


Erik Hovland -- Senior Programmer @ a large research facility for a US space agency. Hobbyist kernel hacker on handheld devices (mostly iPAQs), professional kernel hacker on embedded systems that support flight projects.


Jeff Schroeder -- UNIX Systems Administrator / Wannabe kernel hacker


Jeremie Corbier - jcorbier@ubuntu.com (2007) -- Ubuntu MOTU, Linux enthusiast, Texas Instruments intern (wireless devices architecture).


Deepak Saxena - dsaxena@plexity.net (2007) -- Embedded systems developer and lead kernel maintainer for MontaVista Software. Haved hacked on various drivers, subsystems, and ported and mainted the kernel for various ARM-based platforms.


Anthony Truong - atruong@broadcom.com (2007) -- Member of Broadcom Linux Kernel Group. Areas of interest - Video/Audio Streaming, Multiprocessing, Parallel Computing, VMM


Steve Bibayoff - bibayoff@gmail.com (2007) -- Local (Los Angeles, Southern California) member. Could help with any pre/during conference logistics. email me for cell number.


Alex Perry -- Linux systems engineer with embedded focus, PAMurray


Trisha Murray -- Consulting, PAMurray


Ed L. Cashin (2007) -- works for Coraid in Athens, GA, and with the kernel development community in helping Linux talk to ATA over Ethernet (AoE) block devices.


Joshua Cowan (2007) -- Network monkey for 7-Eleven Stores, Inc. in Oklahoma City and longtime FLOSS user & advocate.


John Reeder (2007) -- jreeder at microsemi dot com - Linux & UNIX programmer and system administrator.


Takanari Hayama (2007) -- Consultant. Works for IGEL Co.,Ltd in Japan.


David Zeuthen (2007) -- HAL maintainer


Kay Sievers (2007) -- udev maintainer


Olivier Schreiber (2007) -- oliviers@sgi.com - Los Angeles, Debian desktop user.


Philip Oswald (2007) -- poswald@novell.com - Provo, Utah. Member of the Novell device driver group.


John McAuley (2007) -- Saitek


Owen Smith (2007) -- Windows kernel developer for USB device drivers for Saitek (osmith@saitek.com).


Stephen Neuendorffer (2007) -- Xilinx Research Labs (stephendotneuendorfferatxilinxdotcom).


Robert Eastman (2007) -- Independent linux kernel/driver/applications developer. Linux evangelist.


Maya Andres (2007) -- programming force at dmp|cda Germany.


Jeremiah Cox (2007) -- I work on drivers at National Instruments


Bob Gilligan (2007) -- Kernel/Networking software engineer at Vyatta.


  • Magnus Damm (2007) -- Kernel Hacker - Tokyo, Japan - Memory management, QEMU, Embedded Linux.


  • Hisao Munakata (2007) -- SuperH based Linux solution promoter - Tokyo, Japan - Works for Renesas


  • Yoshihiro Shimoda (2007) -- Kernel Hacker - Tokyo, Japan - USB driver developper, Works for Renesas.


Jeremy Roberson (2007) -- Software Engineer, Linux Developer, Java Developer, Linux Enthusiast Interwrite Learning


Jeremy Chalker (2007) -- LB Büromöbel Corp. Programmer and Software Developer, germany.


Scott Hill (2007) -- Software Engineer, Linux Developer Interwrite Learning


J Motil (2007) -- csun.edu


Michael Briner (2007) -- Code monkey @ AP Corp and Software Engineer.


Ilan Rabinovitch -- Systems Administrator, Edmunds.com / Conference Chair, Southern California Linux Expo - Will be helping to host the event at Edmunds.


Markus Reichert (2007) -- devolo AG, Germany


Sven-Thorsten Dietrich (2007) -- Real-Time Linux aficionado, San Francisco


David Franck (2007) -- Stonestreet One


Guy Corem (2007) -- Software Engineer, Drivers developer


^^William M. Tu (2007) -- D-Link Systems^^


Gareth J. Greenaway (2008) -- Community Relations Chair / Operations Chair, Southern California Linux Expo


Kevin Smith (2007) -- Director of Mobility Engineering, TechnoCom


Misha Manulis (2007) -- Software Engineer, TechnoCom


Reza Salehi (2007) -- Software Engineer, TechnoCom


Sean Maschue (2007) -- Senior Software Engineer, TechnoCom


Ed-Layo Ogunlalaka (2008) » Engineer/Entrepreneur » EntrepreneurAlliance.com


  • Ajit Kallingal -- Developer


Alan DuBoff -- Embedded and Systems hack who also works on Device Drivers. Alan was abused in his younger years on DOS, after which he fought the battle against child abuse on OS/2, UNIX, Linux, *BSD, and other free systems. Contact Alan at aland@SoftOrchestra.com.


Christian Hergert (2008) -- Senior Software Engineer, MySpace.com


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