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on May 10, 2007 at 10:34:35 am

MULTI-BOOT ! FreedomHEC 2007


(This is a wiki. See the bottom of the page for info on how to edit. If you're just adding yourself as a participant, please edit the Who's Who page)


Who: Hardware engineers, driver developers, you. Please add yourself to our Who's Who page


What: High-intensity learning, networking and taking-back-the-PC-industry unconference


Where: Holiday Inn LA City Center, Los Angeles, California, USA. (Hotel site)


When: May 18-19, 2007


Why: Take control of your own destiny and make your hardware valuable to the growing Linux market.


FreedomHEC is the hardware unconference where you'll learn how easy it is to make your hardware compatible with free, open source operating systems such as Linux, and available to new markets such as servers, next-generation entertainment devices, and more.


FreedomHEC is the conference where hardware vendors looking for a cost-effective Linux driver strategy can meet Linux driver experts.


FreedomHEC is held immediately before or after Microsoft's WinHEC, so that our attendees can schedule one trip.


Get answers on everything from kernel data structures to the fine points of licensing. Discover how participating in the Linux process is fast and simple, how the development process works, and where to get started.


2006 event home page


Questions and Topics


Proposed talks for May 18 -- with speaker and time


When What Speaker Description Other possible times
9:00AM Coffee (none) Hot beverages for all no! coffee now!
10:00AM x86 System Architecture Implications for Networking Applications Bob Gilligan Vyatta's take on the implications of current system architecture (hardware and kernel) for networking infrastructure applications any time
11:00AM Linux Driver Project Greg K-H How to have your company take advantage of the kernel community to have them write and maintain a Linux driver for your devices for free yes
12:00 Noon Lunch (on your own)      
1:00PM USB in a Nutshell Sarah Bailey Covers the basics of USB, the current Linux USB filesystem, usbfs, and the user-land USB library, libusb. I'll also talk about my work on usbfs2, the replacement for usbfs and libusb. any time before Greg's write a Linux Device Driver talk
2:00PM How to Manage Patches with Git and Quilt James Bottomley Introduction to the kernel patch management toolkit and how a subsystem maintainer uses them. Also how you can help track down regressions with git bisect. Any time that is free
3:00PM Handling asynchronous driver updates in RHEL5 and beyond Jon Masters An overview of some of the work we're doing at Red Hat on driver updates (adding drivers to the Linux kernel post-install) and where this is headed. I'll try to keep this non-vendor specific as much as possible, stealing my slides from the Red Hat Summit as a starting point. Any time works
4:00PM A quick tour of the Linux kernel port to the ARM Processor. Deepak Saxena Learn about porting Linux to your custom ARM device Whatever works out for everyone, but I might be hungover on Saturday
4:00PM Advanced Network Drivers Stephen Hemminger newer network driver features: NAPI, TSO, LRO, multiqueue, etc yes, maybe in parallel with something else.


Proposed talks for May 19 -- with speaker and time

When What Speaker Description Other possible times
9:00AM Coffee (none) Hot beverages for all no
10:00AM Unstable API Sense Ed L. Cashin, Coraid How to get your changes into the Linux kernel: Social and technical lessons. I am pretty flexible.
11:00AM Linux in Xilinx FPGAs : A trail map of new territory Stephen Neuendorffer, Xilinx Research Labs As FPGAs become a larger part of many systems, processors running Linux are increasingly embedded into FPGA designs. An introduction to the (likely unfamiliar) world of FPGA architecture and tools from an embedded processing perspective. I am pretty flexible.
12 Noon Lunch (on your own)      
1:00PM Write a real working Linux Driver Greg K-H Driver writing tutorial (longer than a regular talk) Any time that is free
4:00PM Rockets, USB, and Linux, oh my! Jamey Sharp and Sarah Bailey The Portland State Aerospace Society designs, builds, and launches amateur rockets with a Linux flight computer. We'll talk about PSAS' open software/hardware design process, dealing with real-time constraints with Linux, and our crazy new communications bus (USB). anytime
Noon your title here you what you want to talk about other times you can speak


About the schedule


We'll plan to open up for coffee, Continental breakfast, and meet-and-greet at 9am, then do a conference introduction and put the schedule up on the whiteboard at 9:30, then get started with the first session at 10am. On the following day, we'll get started around the same time. Please plan to join us for a semi-organized group dinner after the unconference the first day.


Remember, it's an "unconference", so the final schedule is up to you and the other participants.




Proposed talks: if you're ready to give one of these please move it to the schedule above.





Talks we could use but don't have



Power management: What infrastructure is available in the kernel for using devices' power management capabilities, and examples of how to make a driver power-management-friendly.


Please add suggested topics here.




What you can expect to get out of FreedomHEC


  • Understand the Linux kernel development process and learn how it differs from the "traditional" operating system driver development process.


  • Learn how to become part of the Linux kernel development community.


  • Learn how to port any existing code to the Linux kernel


  • Learn various technical bits about different parts of the Linux kernel (SCSI layer? Driver core? sysfs? USB? PCI? Network driver layer? Anything else anyone wants to learn about?)


  • learn how to properly submit code and get it accepted into the main kernel tree.


  • learn how an individual company can directly influence the development of the areas surrounding their product. For example, they can add new features to the SCSI core if they need them, and they don't have to rely on any other company to do the work for them, as long as they work with the community.


  • Realize that Linux kernel developers are easy to approach, and work directly with, no management levels are present to slow things down.


And of course:


  • a fun time.


FreedomHEC 2007 Sponsors


Sponsor links and more info.


FreedomHEC in the News


  • FreedomHEC participant Greg K-H has assembled the Linux Device Driver Kit based on the latest stable kernel. All FreedomHEC 2006 participants who requested them have received Linux DDK CDs.








Media, potential sponsors, questions: please mail Don Marti at dmarti@zgp.org or call +1 510-332-1587.


To register for 2007, please add yourself to our Who's Who page.


Driving to FreedomHEC? Want a passenger? Or want a ride? Ride Board

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